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Tutorial hacking ghost online

Di tulis oleh : cync 01 Juli 2009

Yg di butuhkan :
1. Ghost Online Trainer v3.5
Cheat Engine 5.5

Nih tutor buat infinit shuriken :

  1. Open Cheat Engine (CE) 5.5
  2. Scan the amount of your shuriken
  3. Try to throw 1 shuriken and look the moving address
  4. Move it to the address list then change the value to 1000 freze
  5. Look and try to use one of your Gauntlet's skill in Ghost Online
Buat Unlimited MP dan Skill Run :

  1. Open Cheat Engine 5.5
  2. Log in to Ghost Online
  3. Scan the amount of your MP
  4. Use skill then scan the amount of your address
  5. If you get 1 address, insert it to the address list
  6. Right-click to the address and choose what write for this address
  7. Then, a box as on the picture above will be shown up. Back to the game (Ghost Online) the use skill. Ex: chi
  8. The Data will be shown up
  9. On the first data choose show dissasamber
  10. A box as on the picture above will be shown up again, then you must move up until find jne address
  11. Congratulation! Now you can cheating Unlimited MP & Skill

I hope this tutorial hacking Ghost Online can help you :D Good luck guys!

*Source SMPN 1 Lumajang Blog

*Source Justforgamer


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