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Yg di butuhkan :
1. Ghost Online Trainer v3.5
2. Cheat Engine 5.5
Nih tutor buat infinit shuriken :
- Open Cheat Engine (CE) 5.5
- Scan the amount of your shuriken
- Try to throw 1 shuriken and look the moving address
- Move it to the address list then change the value to 1000 freze
- Look and try to use one of your Gauntlet's skill in Ghost Online
- Open Cheat Engine 5.5
- Log in to Ghost Online
- Scan the amount of your MP
- Use skill then scan the amount of your address
- If you get 1 address, insert it to the address list
- Right-click to the address and choose what write for this address
- Then, a box as on the picture above will be shown up. Back to the game (Ghost Online) the use skill. Ex: chi
- The Data will be shown up
- On the first data choose show dissasamber
- A box as on the picture above will be shown up again, then you must move up until find jne address
- Congratulation! Now you can cheating Unlimited MP & Skill
I hope this tutorial hacking Ghost Online can help you :D Good luck guys!
*Source SMPN 1 Lumajang Blog
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